Alaska Raceway Park
Advance My Track Challenge 2.0
NASCAR and Advance Auto Parts have kicked off the second season of the Advance My Track Challenge. Last year you helped get Alaska Raceway Park into the #3 position, winning us $10k for a paved walkway and a playground.
Voting starts April 5th and runs through May 6th for round one. The top 6 will advance to the next round to determine the top 3.
How can you help? Go to www.advancemytrack.com/alaska.html and vote. You can vote three times each day.
How else can you help? Spread the word on your social networks, clients, friends, etc.
We made it pretty far last year, but let's go to the top.
Remember.... vote like your asphalt depends on it!
#advancemytrack #NAAPWS #advanceauto #advancemytrackchallenge #nascarroots
Submitted By: Michelle Lackey